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Our Crafts Batik

The wax-resist ancient dyeing technique – also known as Batik – is carefully crafted by master artisans who carry this heritage from one generation to the next.

The process begins with the artist melting the wax in a large pot. The intended patterns are then hand-drawn, or hand-block printed with this melted wax onto the fabric.

Batik prints are especially unique due to the way certain wax mixes “crack” during the dyeing process, allowing lines of color to break-in supposedly resistant areas, making each piece invariably unique.

Watch the video and discover how it’s made:

About the History

Batik is an ancient art form believed to have originated over 1,500 years ago, with its earliest traces found in Egypt, the Middle East, and parts of Asia. It later flourished in regions like Indonesia, particularly Java, where it became deeply rooted in cultural traditions.

Each layer of wax and color builds a narrative, blending skill and patience to craft designs that are as timeless as they are expressive. Beyond its beauty, batik reflects the soul of its maker and the history of its origins, embodying a legacy of artistry passed down through generations.

About the Technique

In block-printed batik, the wax is initially heated and melted. It is then stamped on the fabric with the carved wooden blocks. Once it cools and dryes, the fabric is dipped into a color drum where the cooled wax acts as a resist component by not allowing the dye to penetrate the waxed areas.

Finally, the fabric is dipped in a hot water solution that melts and removes the wax, leaving the area covered with wax in white or neutral color, creating in this way desired motifs.

The result from this craft is beautiful in its graphic simplicity and organic feel, both strong characteristics of the brand and that make it so easily distinguishable along its way.

Batik has been used in the following collections

Our Crafts

In these changing times, it is important to remember that no project makes sense if it doesn’t create some kind of sustainable network that closely safeguards all the people involved and its environmental impact along the production process.

We invite you to learn more about the techniques that led to our creations.

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